Tax season is here! What you need to know.
Learn moreMulti-Entity Arrangements
Your key to a better return
Set up the best legal & tax structure
Utilize your diverse business interests to your advantage. Reduce your compliance costs by using an LLC taxed as a S-Corporation to represent your interests as a partner in numerous partnerships where you are getting active income. Obtain additional liability protection by holding assets in an LLC; get advice on the best way to protect your assets from BOSS. Depending on your situation you may need to coordinate using multiple entities with your overall tax picture. Common examples include:
- You may have an operating business (S-Corp) that rents a building from another LLC you own.
- You may have multiple business partners under one LLC (likely taxed as a partnership) that split profits by sending fees to an LLC owned by you individually, taxed as an S-Corporation.
- You could have a holding company (LLC) that holds interests in multiple businesses that you own to reduce the amount of tax returns you need to file.
Because BOSS Advisors is an Alternative Business Structure, we are among the few licensed to employs attorneys and accountants that specialize in business and estate planning. You can obtain tax and legal advice under one roof.